Common cold

Common cold
The common cold is a viral infection caused by many viruses, mostly by rhinoviruses.
symptoms start appearing after 1-3 days of exposure to the virus.
Early symptoms include runny /stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, congestion, mild headache, sneezing, malaise, and fever. As cold runs its course, catarrh thickens changes its color to white, and in the next stage turns to greenish yellow to yellow. It is usually self-limiting. colds are usually self-limiting but a neglected cold may develop into a chest infection.
It usually lasts for 7-10 days.
Homeopathic traetment for cold
Aconite – cold after sudden exposure to cold air, like from an air conditioner or after going for a walk, biking, or any kind of exposure to dry cold weather. The symptoms to use Aconite include chilliness aftera sudden  dry cold wind exposure followed by fever, stuffy nose, tingling and burning in the nose with throbbing frontal headache. Symptoms are better in the open air. 
It is most useful when given as soon as the patient realizes that he is likely to catch a cold.
The recommended dose of this medicine is usually Aconite 30C twice or thrice a day as per the intensity of symptoms.
 Arsenic Album – For Common Cold With Thin Watery Nasal Discharge Arsenic Album is beneficial for curing the common cold, especially when there is a thin watery discharge from the nose. 
Nose may feel stuffy in spite of the discharge which causes a burning sensation in the nose. Most of the time, it is accompanied by sneezing. Those needing it feel worse in cold air. Being in a warm room can provide some relief. Weakness and restlessness are marked along with the above complaints. It is a recommended medicine for the initial stages of the common cold when there is a thin, watery nasal discharge and a stuffy nose may attend it.  30C potency twice a day is the recommended dose.
 Natrum Mur – When Common Cold Starts With Sneezing Common colds that begin with sneezing are apt to be treated wonderfully with this medicine. Along with sneezing, there is thin watery nasal discharge. It may be followed by stuffy nose which may also cause loss of smell and taste.
someone who suffers from repeated attacks of cold highly needs this. It is an excellent remedy that removes the tendency of taking cold.
  It should be used when cold starts with sneezing as the first symptom. The most widely used potency of this medicine is 6X which can be taken three to four times a day at a gap of minimum of three to four hours.
Allium cepa-one of the best remedies for colds. sneezings with profuse watery discharge from nose and eyes. Nasal discharge gives a kind of burning sensation to the skin on the upper lip and where ever it touches around the nose. symptoms are better in the open air and get worse soon as they enter a warm room.
allium sepa 30c can be taken thrice a day.
 Hepar Sulph – It is indicated for stuffy nose from exposure to cold air which causes sneezing. A very particular symptom that may attend is inhaled air feels cold.  If you have a stuffy nose due to cold, this medicine is for you. It will kick-start the nasal discharge and bring relief.This medicine is most effective to help out cases of stuffy nose. In cases where the nose feels stuffy and blocked, this medicine is known to promote secretions and ease the complaint. 
 It is advised to take this medicine in 30C potency once or twice a day to get good results.
 Belladonna – When Sore Throat Is Marked With Nasal Symptoms It is the most frequently prescribed medicine when pain in the throat attends nasal symptoms. It is used when there is watery discharge from nostrils especially one-sided, with sneezing and ticking in the nose. Along with this sore throat, painful swallowing, marked redness, and swelling in the throat are felt. There may also occur bouts of cough ,fever and headache.It is the best medicine when sore throat symptoms are also seen along with nasal secretions, sneezings, and frontal headache with a red hot face. It is also a top choice to manage headaches in colds. 
Use this medicine in 30C potency two to three times a day for relief. 
  Pulsatilla – For Thick Yellow Green Nasal Discharge ,best indicated for a ripe cold.  This medicine is best suited if you are in the late stage of common cold when the nasal discharge starts to change color to yellow-green and consistency from thin to thick. Along with this, there may occur nasal blockage and loss of smell. Gets relief in the open air though he is chilly. Pulsatilla can be used whenever characteristic thick yellow or green nasal discharge is present. 
Pulsatilla 30C can be taken one or two times a day.
Dulcamera-  For cold due to change of weather to low temperatures.useful in the beginning of autumn.
Dulcamera 30c can be taken twice a day.

Self help:
Rest and take plenty of fluids especially hot drinks like hot water mixed with honey and fresh lemon juice.
Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Reduce the intake of sugars and salts. Reduce oily foods when there is cough .

Note One may use this medicine for about a week’s time in the recommended dosage. Do not exceed self-medication for more than one week. In case symptoms do not get under control within a week’s time, consult a homeopathic expert for the next course of action. In case of any complications, like any lungs-related problem (eg. asthma, pneumonia), it is advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment.


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